All You Need is Pug

Dogs and Coconut Oil

One of our favorite health & beauty staples for both people and pets is coconut oil. This healthy fat works wonders both inside and outside of the body. The lauric acid in coconut oil is part of its magic, as it contains antibacterial and anti-fungal properties that dog owners have turned to in order to treat everything from dog breath to skin conditions. Coconut oil is also a good for the metabolism, helps to boost immunity, and may aid with weight loss and brain health. All in all, it’s one of the best natural resources available when it comes to promoting and maintaining health.

When I began adding small amounts of coconut oil to my dogs’ daily meals a few months ago, I didn’t expect to see large improvements, but hoped that their overall health would benefit from this small change. At the time, JD’s arthritis was developing and causing him a great deal of pain. He had a slight limp and was less active than he had once been, which, for any pet parent, is hard to watch when you are used to your pug running and playing all day long. As prescribed by our vet, I began giving JD daily doses of fish oil, glucosamine, and chondroitin. I remembered that while taking a nutrition course in college I had learned that coconut oil assists with nutrient absorption, so I also began adding 1/4 tsp of coconut oil to JD’s meals with the hope that it would help him to absorb the joint supplements and do its own part to ease his arthritis. Within 2 months I started seeing improvements. JD’s limp gradually disappeared and now only makes an occasional appearance on particularly rainy or humid days when the dampness causes him to feel achy.

Now that I have seen how much it has helped JD, both he and Murphy consume 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil per day in their morning meals.

Pugs and Coconut Oil

Here are some ways that you can use coconut oil in your health and beauty regiments:


  • Start by adding 1/4 tsp of coconut oil to your dog’s meals for small dogs that weigh approximately 20 lbs. If your dog tolerates it well, increase to 1/2 tsp.
  • Use topically to give your dog a shiny coat and healthy skin. Massage your dog with coconut oil for 5-10 minutes, then use a gentle dog shampoo to rinse the oil away. You may have to lather and rinse twice to make certain that you have removed the oil and that your dog won’t have a greasy coat.
  • Though we have never tried it, some dog owners brush their dog’s teeth with a few drops of coconut oil! It helps to reduce dog breath and the antibacterial properties in the oil help to clean teeth.


  • Swap out your usual cooking oil for coconut oil in some meals to start adding this healthy oil to your diet. If you are a smoothie drinker, you can add a teaspoon of coconut oil to your favorite blended beverage for a creamy texture.
  • Use coconut oil as a hair mask. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes and wash it out with gentle shampoo. As with the dog’s coat treatment, you may have to shampoo twice to remove all oil.
  • Use coconut oil as a moisturizer or mask once or twice a week. While coconut oil may help to reduce acne, it can still clog pores, so use with caution if your skin is prone to breakouts. I like to use just a dab of coconut oil under my eyes, over my cheekbones, and around my lips overnight. This gives a dewy glow and helps to soften budding frown lines. If you use the oil on your entire face, I recommend leaving it on as a mask for 10 minutes, then washing the excess off with your usual cleanser.
  • Coconut oil is a lovely addition to foot baths. If you are an athlete and prone to stinky feet, add a bit of coconut oil to your next foot soak. It helps to soften skin, reduce odor, and fight off toenail fungus!


I can’t sing enough praise for coconut oil, and I recommend adding this gem to your pantry!


Disclaimer: I am not a vet or nutritionist. I share this article from personal experience, but as with all health decisions, every person and pet responds differently to changes. You should always consult your vet before making changes to your dog’s diet and should also consult your doctor before making changes to your own diet. Speak with your vet or doctor about how coconut oil fits into your healthy routines.